Useful Laravel Packages

Sharathkumar hegde
3 min readMar 15, 2019

In this article, I am gonna write about some of the Laravel packages we use in our projects. These packages have saved a lot of our project development efforts. From my development experience, if you ever want a particular functionality instead of writing those functionalities from scratch, find the package which does the same for you.

The packages save a lot of development efforts and also they can be used in multiple projects.

So, here are a few important Laravel packages we use in our projects:

#1 Laratrust

The Laratrust package provides an easy and flexible way to add roles, permissions and teams authorization. Using this package we can create roles and permissions, and attach them to users. The authorization of the user becomes easy based on the role/permission by this package.

#2 Laravel Eloquent Approval

The Laravel Eloquent Approval package provides the approval process for eloquent models. There is an article written by me on the usage of this package. This package is developed by Traknpay team.

#3 Ixudra\Curl

You may have already familiar with using cURL functionality in PHP. This package provides an easy interface for sending cURL requests from your PHP web application. The package provides an intuitive, fluent interface similar to the Laravel query builder to easily configure the request. Additionally, there are several utility methods that allow you to easily add certain options to the request. This makes it easier to create and use cURL requests and also makes your code more comprehensible.

#4 Proengsoft\JsValidation

When you are developing a web application, we have to write both server and client-side validations. In Laravel, it is very easy to write server-side validation. But to write client-side validation you have to use different js files or have to write your own custom validation.

This package provides a way in which your server-side validation can be used directly in the client-side without writing a single line of javascript.

#5 Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer

This package provides a clean and elegant way to see all the entries in your laravel logs.

#6 PulkitJalan\GeoIP

This package provides the latitude, longitude, city, country and region details based on the request IP.

#7 Yajra\Datatables

This package provides an easy way to create datatables in your project. This package has been a core package in our lot of the web application development. This package has become the part of the latest version of Laravel.

#8 jdavidbakr\MailTracker

If you are sending emails to the customers, and want to track those emails then this package comes in handy.

MailTracker will hook into all outgoing emails from Laravel and inject a tracking code into it. It will also store the rendered email in the database. There is also an interface to view sent emails.

#9 Plank\Mediable

Laravel-Mediable is a package for easily uploading and attaching media files to models with Laravel 5.

#10 Barryvdh\Debugbar

This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel 5. It includes a ServiceProvider to register the debugbar and attach it to the output. You can publish assets and configure it through Laravel. It bootstraps some collectors to work with Laravel and implements a couple of custom DataCollectors, specific for Laravel. It is configured to display redirects and (jQuery) Ajax Requests. Read the documentation for more configuration options.

These are some of the important Laravel packages we use in our projects. Please let me know your favorite Laravel packages in the comments.

Thanks!!Happy Reading.

