My struggle with Vue.js

Sharathkumar hegde
2 min readAug 1, 2017


I work in a start-up which provides payment gateway to business merchants. I was assigned with a task of creating a new payment page. As a developer , I had so many ways of doing it but I choose old fashioned way writing it with jQuery. I have completed my task of creating the payment page and it served the purpose.

But as an artist, developers are also not fully satisfied with their work. There is always room for some improvement. And I thought of rewriting the payment page logic in Vue.js.

Even though , I had lot of opportunities to do that earlier, I waved at them as they pass by.

I choose not to change it may be because of the complexities involved in converting the code to Vue or may be I didn’t understand the Vue.js enough. So, whatever may be the reason you can’t learn swimming unless you jump into water and you can’t learn coding until you start coding.

After many days of this dilemma of whether to rewrite the code or not, I choose to do it anyway.

It was not easy at first. It was really difficult. I googled a lot , wrote and rewrote hours of code to get things done properly. After many days of struggle, I successfully converted the payment page logic in Vue.js . Do I think its worth the struggle? Oh yes, definitely I think its worth it. I choose to learn Vue.js and paid off well.

So my suggestion is to rewrite the sloppy jQuery code into any of the javascript framework such as angular, react or vue. It is definitely worth it.

Even if you fail also you will learn something.

Thanks for reading. Keep coding ☺

